
This is the website for Zies, Baby Sword, Zero Suit Sonia (and other names) who is a writer, streamer and a bad artist.

You can search through my written stuff under Works. Watch my streams on Twitch and/or YouTube streaming channel, watch my videos on YouTube, and chat and chill while I die at games. View the Support page to see how you can support my work! c:

Follow on social accounts to connect with me via Twitter, and my public Discord community and so on so you can see my dumb memes and silly thoughts about being sleepy and hungry and other silly/serious discussions!

Check out my latest work, “Song of Machi!” An anime I’m working on! (“Anime” xd I’m not an artist or animator so just focus on the writing.)

Song of Machi

News and updates are below!

New Twitter: @ZeroSuitSonia

So I’ve been shadowbanned on Twitter on my main account @ZiesGG for years. Funnily enough I think it was for being too politically based rather than hornt posting. So what can you do?

Anyway, new Twitter is @ZeroSuitSonia, please go follow so I can rebuild my followers and find the 600 friends who were following me previously! ;w;

I’ll try to be a good girl this time. I pwomise. uwu

Lastly, I’ve collected some of my most used links in a new Links page! So hopefully people can use this regardless of all the different names I used on social media. lel

Sophia Knight

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August 20 2020 – One Year Tranniversary~

On August 19th 2019 I officially began medically transitioning and took my first dose of HRT.

Yesterday, August 19 2020 was the one year mark since I began the process, and today I am still glad and grateful for the fact that I have the opportunity to transition. Although I may not be in the ideal circumstance for best results, I am hopeful and optimistic that things will improve as I become more comfortable with myself. I think it may be possible for me to one day be able to take care of myself, and I will do my best to try to enjoy the journey and the challenges.

Thank you to everyone’s who’s helped me and encouraged me, I hope you continue to believe in me even when I may not believe in myself.

Sophia “Zies” Knight

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February 5 2020 – Oct. to Jan. Budget Complete!

Henlo~ uwu

Having finally returned to tutoring in October, I can finally continue documenting my budgeting trials and tribulations.

I need to get moar mons. Really badly. xd

You can read the Catgirl Budgeting, January 2020 post here!

Sona Bless~

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November 4 2019 – “Song of Machi” Episode One

After months of work, the first episode of my “anime” Song of Machi is nao available!!! 😀

You can find the playlist on my channel. View the Song of Machi page for all the info!

Episode One is available here: https://youtu.be/SAb1mxNe-f4

Thanks for watching! And thanks for the support!!

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August 28 – Facing the Seven Deadly Sins 😈😇👿

Just a random thingy wingy I was th0teding about and wanted to write real quick without any real editing. Just good ol’ stream of consciousness and stuffs.

Facing the Seven Deadly Sins

Sona Bless~

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