Song of Machi

Sophia Knight

“Song of Machi”
Episode Release Date Screenplay and goodies 720p download
1. Elite Guard Starla (on YouTube) November 3, 2019 Screenplay PDF
Castle Outskirts image on Tumblr
Castle Outskirts full res
Art stream: Outskirts, Purlieu, Grand Hall 🔑🔓
2. Servant of the Spirit (YouTube) December 1, 2019 Screenplay PDF
Art Stream: Balcony and Plains View 🔑🔓
Art Stream: Plains and video draft 🔑🔓
Episodes One and Two original drafts on Instagram~
3. The Song of Roland WIP N/A N/A
4. WIP N/A N/A
5. WIP N/A N/A
6. Gnosis Fears the Morning Star WIP N/A N/A


*Certain goodies will be unlocked when enough monies are raised collectively, be it Twitch sub, donation, BAT, etc ;w;*

If you enjoy Song of Machi you can support me, my works, and my ability to continue making the show in a number of ways. Even if you can’t support monetarily you can help by sharing my links and engaging with it! :3

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See all ways to support in the Support Page!

Thanks for watching!
Love, Sophia~