
August 20 2020 – One Year Tranniversary~

On August 19th 2019 I officially began medically transitioning and took my first dose of HRT.

Yesterday, August 19 2020 was the one year mark since I began the process, and today I am still glad and grateful for the fact that I have the opportunity to transition. Although I may not be in the ideal circumstance for best results, I am hopeful and optimistic that things will improve as I become more comfortable with myself. I think it may be possible for me to one day be able to take care of myself, and I will do my best to try to enjoy the journey and the challenges.

Thank you to everyone’s who’s helped me and encouraged me, I hope you continue to believe in me even when I may not believe in myself.

Sophia “Zies” Knight

August 20 2020 – One Year Tranniversary~ Read More »