Personal Finance

Catgirl Budgeting, March 2019

“Dis month I was able to set aside about 50% of my total income towards savings, most of which will be going directly into transitioning funds. Unfortunately I was unable to pick up any extra hours this month so only the first paycheck of the month was larger than usual. I think in most cases when I get a larger paycheck I will toss in extra monies first toward medical funds, and secondly towards monsters to keep the interest from getting too crazy…”

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Catgirl Budgeting, February 2019

“This is teh first post in a series I want to do on how I am managing my income; it is a concept I’ve been thinking about doing for a while. There are several reasons why I’ve considered something like this to be useful for me:
1) to be held accountable for the goals I’ve set out for myself
2) to log visible progress toward my goals
3) to demonstrate that effectively managing your resources over time can lead to big victories…”

Catgirl Budgeting, February 2019 Read More »