
These are links to all of my stuff! The ones I use more frequently are towards the top.

Also I go by a few names so you may find me as Zies, ZiesGG, CatgirlUwU, Zero Suit Sonia, Baby Sword, SophieCat, and probably a few others I’m forgetting.


Public Discord server Sona’s Cafe, where I hang out all the time and post memes
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New Twitter @ZeroSuitSonia since I’m certain my main one is shadowbanned. Please follow to keep up with my stuff


Infrequent Twitch streams and Kuromi emotes for subs


Streaming YouTube channel Zero Suit Sonia for streaming
(alt link)


Main YouTube channel Zies for produced videos and stream highlights. Home of Song of Machi, and my Arby ‘n’ the Chief fanseries: Fun and Games


@ZiesGG old Twitter account for archival purposes I suppose