

This page is a list of my goals, and primarily a place to inform my audience and any supporters where current expenses are going.

Primary Goal: Transitioning
(Catgirl Grand Campaign, Hard Mode)

I do not yet have a definite number for how much money is required to become a real catgirl. Transitioning costs will depend on what surgeries and procedures and treatment I require, and where I will be getting those treatments.

Based on rough estimates and some research, I am currently aiming for about $33,500 just to be on the safe side. I will need to discuss with several medical professionals the specifics of pricings and timeframe and lots of other stuff before I can really pinpoint exactly how much I need saved up.

In the meantime any tips large or small (after taxes, of course) will be added to the savings pile so that your contributions, as well as those from other viewers/readers, as well as my own contributions will accrue interest together until I have enough. Any and all contributions made toward the Catgirl Grand Campaign will be accounted for on this spreadsheet. I will likely be contributing most of the monies myself from the work I do. 😿 All who support toward this campaign will be eternally appreciated and remembered!! 💖💖💝💝💕💕

Note: The Catgirl Grand Campaign has not been updated in about a year or so. When there is some significant momentum I will continue to update it xp

Secondary Goals: General Expenses

Once I have evolved into a real catgirl then I’ll just need enough monies to sustain myself with my writing and streaming and other independent work I do!
It will take a very long time before these secondary goals become primary goals, and though it will be a long and brutal and exhausting journey, I am both willing and able to reach this part of the story.

  • Housing expenses, foods, general bills
  • A maid and cosplay cafe/library is a possible goal once everything prior is in place. But the specifics of that will be researched at a later date.

Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time to read through this dense and boring stuff about my goals! As you can see, I have much to deal with, and I immensely appreciate any support, big or small, that you are able to provide. Be sure to see the ways you can support by visiting the Support page!

Much love,