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May 2 – April Budget Complete! ^w^

Guten Tag alle~

I have just finished up writing my th0ts on the April budget. This was a pretty good month overall, but the following months might be a bit of a struggle! D:

If this month doesn’t end seeing enough activity for a post, I’ll just wait until the next month where a budget post is a appropriate. And I’ll also write any smol budget choices I may have made in the less active month(s). Hopefully with this good spike in savings for the Catgirl Grand Campaign things can start ramping up! Yay!

You can read the Catgirl Budgeting, April 2019 post here!

Sona Bless~

May 2 – April Budget Complete! ^w^ Read More »

April 3 – March Budgeting owo

Hewwo~ uwu

Not many things out of teh ordinary for dis month’s budget. But there’s still some continual progress each week. Next month might be a bit weirder. monkaS

A month that will definitely be moar interesting will be when the amount of BAT I’m hodling and the value of BAT intersects at a point where I’m ready to sell. That will likely not happen anytime soon, or even in the next few years, butt that’ll definitely be a time to really think about how I’ll be allocating those resources. x3

Anyways, read the “Catgirl Budgeting, March 2019” post here. Sona Bless~

April 3 – March Budgeting owo Read More »

February 26 – Budgeting ;o

Hewwo~ uwu

So I think is a good times nao to start doing my budgeting thingy. Is a concept that I think I really liek. I know that some peoples liek to complain that there are some things that should be taught in school that aren’t, liek taxes!!! Well, I have some information and some intel, so maybe by sharing that I can make a dent into that kind of mindset. I’ve decided to maek posts on my budgeting, and the reasoning and choices behind them so that maybe I can help other people see how and why I doing what I’m doing for both long-term and short-term gain.

I hope some peoples find this kind of stuff helpful! ^w^

Read the introductory “Catgirl Budgeting, February 2019” post here.

Sona Bless~

February 26 – Budgeting ;o Read More »

New Category: Bits!

Hawwo~ owo

I’ve considered maeking short, small written things about whatever pops into mind. So nao I’m going to be writing bits about several things that interest me. There is no overall goal for these bits, they’re moar liek writing exercises to express some thoughts I have.

Anyway, here’s the first bit: Hit Me.


New Category: Bits! Read More »