Transition Shower Details My Discord server My Transition Shower wishlist My general wishlist My Killstar wishlist Paypal money gift
What is a Transition Shower?
An idea that Twitter user Faith Naff thoughted of.
Is a Baby/Bridal Shower, butt for transitioning! 😮
A party to hang out and celebrate someone’s transition and help them get things they’ll need for their new life. And I’ll be doing it while playing bideo gaems and having fun.


Gifting is entirely optional! Please do not gift if you have your own priorities to take care of! Only gift if you’re actually comfortable and willing and able to send me something. You can help me celebrate just by chilling in stream or playing games with us just the same! Thanks so much!

(Since I don’t have an address linked on my Amazon wishlist, you can just send me Amazon giftcard and let me know what you want to get me. Also, if you want to gift me something else that isn’t on the list, link it to me when you send me giftcard.)