Catgirl Budgeting, January 2020

< April 2019 budget
Running Budget Spreadsheet

Rebuilding Emergency Fund

Ever since school sessions (and therefore tutoring sessions) ended in May, I’ve only had small sporadic changes in my total financial situation. Luckily I was able to return to tutoring in October and I can now start up this series again, as well as continue playing my long game of IRL Civ against money. I spent all of that first paycheck on candies cuz Halloween. I still have some of that candies left cuz I know how to make it last and I’m not a fatass. Uwu

In November I decided to help build a family computer so I used a significant portion of my income at the time to purchase about half of the necessary parts. However, I also had to use some of my savings and to date I am still rebuilding my emergency fund to my goal of 1000 USD. It’ll take a little while longer, but it’ll definitely be possible in the coming months. After this experience I’ve decided to add a little bit more toward my emergency fund from each paycheck just to keep paying myself and trying to maximize my own safety net.

Teh Transitioning Piggy Bank

Regardless of the situation I always try to save something into my transitioning fund seeing as it is the most important thing going on in my life at the moment. I’m struggling in my consideration to get some voice training lessons for better results in my voice feminization. My gut instinct is to avoid using the monies I already have saved here because I made this fund specifically to go toward surgeries which will be one of my biggest necessary expenses, at a time when I’m making close to zero money.

I’ve yet to decide whether or not I’m going to create a different fund for vocal feminization. Time will tell.

I am glad that I have saved 2054.16 USD as of this writing. It’s nowhere near enough, but it’s moar than I’ve ever had for transitioning, and it’s the result of my years of work and diligence in working toward my savings goal. I am confident that my budgeting skills are well controlled and will continue to be one of my strongest abilities. As always, you can see the progress toward the Catgirl Grand Campaign here.


Unfortunately, due to the fact that I need to rebuild my emergency fund, I have been unable to scrape enough dollars together to attack any monsters. I would need at least around 20 USD per week in order to make any real progress to keep the interest from accumulating. Throwing less than 10 USD would be a waste of money, and if I throw anything toward the monsters I’d have to continue throwing money at it in order to even a tiny amount of progress.

For the time being I have stopped worrying about the monsters. I need to eat and be able to afford new clothes more importantly than aimlessly wasting my money. Since May, about 200 USD of new interest has accumulated, which won’t really be an issue to pay off, but I would infinitely rather use that monies toward my transitioning costs. I’ll deal with these monsters a bit later once my income becomes more “reasonable.”

Spending Mons

I’ve only allowed myself to get a few games when I can get a decent enough deal on it, such as Civ 6 on Switch for about less than half the retail price at the time. I was also able to set aside a few dollars each week to finally get my MATH hat, which was totally worth it. It’s getting its use on days when I go outside. xP

For the last week of January I’ve set aside some monies for Animal Crossing cuz I love the series and I want more chill gaems to relax with. =w=

There are a few more Switch expenses I will be saving toward in future months, but once that’s all saved up and paid for I’ll have to evaluate how much longer I’ll be working throughout the school year and see where to allocate the monies that previously went toward spending stuffs.

Closing Th0ts

While I’m not at all thrilled that I had to use some of my emergency funds to make big purchases, I think it’ll ultimately be a good test to help keep me on track of my saving habits due to my obsessive desire to have some kind of a boat for when the flood comes. Things would be infinitely easier if I had more income, but that’s just one of those things that I guess I’m not allowed to have in my life for some reason. I really wish I could be able to afford to save up here and there to buy gifts for people who are important to me, but that’s just not a reasonable thing for me to do given the circumstances and I cannot justify any unnecessary spending at this time in my life. But I am extremely hopeful that things will improve over time and that I will make better progress. I don’t know why thinking anything less optimistic than this would be beneficial to me.

Tanks for reading~ 💖💖💖

Sona Bless; take care, be nice to someone, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do~ 💝💝💝

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