


To download Redemption, follow the link and click the Download button in the top right.

1. A View from the End of the World
2. Eviction
3. Salvation

[Word Count: 11,382]


“A thick fog draped the city. From the antennas of the highest skyscrapers to the cracks between stone and rubble hundreds of meters below, there was fog. Pockets of purple poison clung to the fog and saturated the air into a lavender town. Ghastly faces in the air evolved into haunting guises and formless doppelgangers existing only as silhouettes. These sylphs, always eager for a battle, were like unidentifiable ghosts that claimed this domain…”

Change log
Version Date Change(s)
v 1.0.2 January 10, 2013 Updated link for properly acquiring file.
v 1.0.1 December 29, 2012 Updated distribution method and contact information.
v 1.0 December 28, 2012