Born at the wrong time,
Born and ashamed,
At the round table
Where I’ve no place.
Why has this happened
And am I to blame?
Hard is this strife now,
But I fight all day.
Born to the wrong tribe
Whose angels haunt me.
No one to guide me
And all torn apart.
Wish I was stronger
To endure it all,
Keeping the mask on
Forever maybe.
Caught by an angel,
Not one of the tribe,
Calling my new name
Which mends my soul so.
And here I can see now
Newfound wisdom and fear.
Pardon the nightmares
And pardon the screams,
Just have to work through
What may one day be.
Why does she call me,
Pull me toward her?
Why risk this journey
Off the Earthly blue pull
From which I may one day
Emerge a monster?
Why transcend skyward
Toward relentless calls
To the pink shores of Venus,
And what I’m just lost?
Though I’ve no answers
I shall concede,
Embrace you without shame
And heed motherly calls.
Point to the stars now
To surely guide me,
Teach me of Plato, Achilles, and Socrates.
O wise Athena,
Lend me your strength.
Ask of Hephaestus
Aramaments worthy
To fight in your name.
And steel my weak heart now,
Bestow fortitude
That I may long serve you
Before my bones crumble and fail.
Goddess Athena,
Mother above,
Grant me bravery
Strengthen my armor
And accept my sword.
Watch over me now
For now I shall be
Your devoted knight of wisdom.