Where Legends Gather: The Radiant Dawn

All glory to the sun!
For she protects life, provides warmth, projects light;
We must repay and worship the grand yellow star;
We must, must, must feel the sun’s glory;
All glory to the sun!

From the mountaintop her vessel approaches;
The embodiment of the sun, she is dress’d in sunlight;
That crescent smirk, that golden armor, that stalwart pose;
And her blade of justice – the iron stylus mightier than the sword;
Ah, how she emits the spirit of a lioness:
Tenacious, resolute, adamant;
My, how she dances in the sun;
How she protects the weak and innocent;
What a stellar guardian;
All glory to the sun!

Radiance shall strike the heretics who do not worship;
Her bright and blinding light shall stun the disbelievers,
And daze them in their place;
The lioness will yawp to the sun, roar a command:
A scorch’d earth will be etch’d upon the ground;
And they will be bath’d and baptiz’d in the light of a solar flare;
All glory to the sun!

Question not the sun’s grace for she is omnipresent, and merciful;
Ask not the sun why she sets:
Ask, rather, the moon why she gleans the sun’s radiance;
Ask why she cannot glow and shine on her own;
She brings darkness at night, she brings darkness in Man;
But the sun, she paints the world alive:
In golden greens and blushing blues;
She brings safety to everything her light touches,
With her majestic shield of daybreak;
All glory to the sun!

Every morning the blissful sun awakens her people:
Her solar beams of light stretch the farthest reaches,
Her cup’d hands holding the world afloat;
She engulfs and caresses the world – her children
With embracing arms of an adoring mother at the vanguard,
Who ensnares evil and purges sorrow;
She dashes forth at dawn with rays like divine zenith blades;
All glory to the sun!

While she dances around the Earth with her sister,
They cast long overdue shadows upon one another;
To witness these shad’d kisses from afar is rare says the learn’d astronomer;
The sisters brace themselves – their guard is up,
Behold the gilded orb in sky, gaze at the resilience:
She is an impervious, immovable, enduring, tanking eclipse;
All glory to the sun!
Glory, glory, glory!
Glory to the sun!