Facing the Seven Deadly Sins

Of the seven deadly sins from Christian teachings, I think there are some I am easily able to put aside, and few that I have to contend with on a routine basis. I think that from the least to most difficult for me to deal with, I would have to sort them in this order: gluttony, envy, greed, wrath, sloth, lust, pride. For the first couple of ones, I think my environment while growing up helped shaped within me characteristics that are better able to contend with them.

Images used are from The Binding of Isaac.


Growing up with a relatively low-income and poor family, I had to hear the word “no” a lot. Basically “we can’t afford it.” That sort of helped me become a picky eater and not really stuffing myself with yummy, but unhealthy foods. So in terms of overindulging regarding food, I think it’s not really an issue I need to deal with. Where I do struggle with overconsumption is in the amount of time I can spend playing gaems. Luckily, as of these past few years I have spend more time working on several different projects. Finding the right balance of work and fun, and not misusing my time on these things, is generally simple enough for me.


Because of the nature of my upbringing I’ve definitely had my fair share of envy. There are countless times I wish I could have what someone else was having in terms of food, tech, games, ability to go shopping, maybe going to watch movies and nomming some yommy popcorns. Butt I just didn’t get amazing great die rolls. Luckily, as with my previous issue, being told “no” and that “we can’t afford it,” has helped me build up tolerance to accepting the fact that I simply can’t have some things. I am furthermore glad that I have a mature enough temperament to not be a piece of shit adult, and am grateful that I wasn’t a piece of shit kid who ever threw any tantrums.


I would lump this in together with envy. There are lots of things I wish I had. Monies, foods, computers, games, time, et cetera. I think that if I had grown up in a moar fortunate family and with a moar fortunate environment, I would definitely heavily struggle with dealing with these three. It’s definitely a common enough story to read of affluenza from those moar fortunate than I. If there’s something that I am 100% grateful for with regards to my upbringing it’s that I’ve learned to temper my expectations, and that I was born with and nurtured the mature qualities in me that make me reasonable. These three deadly sins are so small a problem for me now since I have a pretty extreme mindset akin to “if I can’t afford five of them, I can’t afford one of them.” This has been an excellent trait to have in terms of avoiding financially retarded decisions.


I contend with wrath a lot. Wrath haunts me daily and maeks great strides to get me to succumb. I know for a fact that I’m a violent person and that if I had weak/no discipline that I would maek many egregious mistakes. I highly value the ability to withhold and pull back against my base instincts because I know of too many people in a similar enough situation, of a similar enough genetic makeup, in low-income neighborhoods, of substandard quality environments, who have lost the battle with wrath and dealt many great injuries and cause much harm to themselves and others. In the future I may seek additional attention to further hone my combat skills and test my athleticism once my bones are older and my body aches further. Wrath is a worthwhile opponent and I remember every duel we have. I am confident that wrath will be unable to defeat me.


I just want lay in bed watching shows and playing bideo games. xP The problem with sloth is that I am more ambitious than I am lazy, butt I know that every day is a struggle to at least accomplish the smollest of tasks to work on even one of my projects. Sometimes I just don’t feel like working because my anxiety doesn’t let me stream or write or draw or plan or think, but I think I do like the Jackson Pollock method of just doing anything. If I can salvage restraint from my past, then I can salvage quality content from my anxiety-fueled work.


A kitten just lieks seeing sexy girls and tiddies and just lieks touching her pp, you know? x3 I know that lust is one of my biggest struggles. It was definitely worse when I was younger. It can still be pretty bad some days now, but I do think I value my work and creativity more. Porn is definitely my drug of choice since it’s mostly free, but I do think I will get infinitely more value from my writing and stories and stuffs. With HRT nao I think it will definitely help further limit both my desires, as well as my willingness to spend so much time on porn. The good thing is that I believe this is my worst habit because nao I haven’t spent any monies on disgusting alcohol or cancer sticks or anything worse. I promise this entire piece wasn’t just an excuse for me to talk about muh dick. uwu


SonaPride. Definitely a byproduct of being a New Yorker. DVaGremlin. This is a mixture of my environment in multiple ways. I have to constantly fight with my own arrogance with every step I make. I see great humility from South Korean esport players who, I personally believe, are arrogant in nature in their view of western teams/players, but outwardly show that they respect westerners as equals. I believe most of that outward express is a drama for both western and Korean audiences. They don’t want to seem like assholes, nor do they want to bring that reputation to their teams/sponsors. By the luck of the draw I just so happened to be born in teh moast greatest city in teh w0rld, among teh p00rest areas of that great city, surrounded by people whose parents couldn’t read to them every night, or help them with their math homework, descendants of those who suffered housing discrimination, and who were deprived of privileges that were rightfully theirs. I just so happened to get a good roll (schooling ability) within a bad roll (poor), within a good roll (prosperous, ambitious New York). Myabe I overcompensate my humility beyond what I should. Maybe not. But I’m glad to be able to now help those and teach those who might still be struggling with school, whether or not for the same reasons as my peers during our youth. The biggest test to my pride is definitely having my works live up to my great expectations, because each project is always moar humbling that the last.

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