Catgirl Budgeting, March 2019

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Hawwo! OwO

March Budget


Dis month I was able to set aside about 50% of my total income towards savings, most of which will be going directly into transitioning funds. Unfortunately I was unable to pick up any extra hours this month so only the first paycheck of the month was larger than usual. I think in most cases when I get a larger paycheck I will toss in extra monies first toward medical funds, and secondly towards monsters to keep the interest from getting too crazy. If I manage to get moar hours I think I’ll definitely be in a great position to save up moar than 50% of my income for transitioning expenses, so I really hope that happens sooner rather than later. Maybe there’ll be some moar opportunities for hours during summer sessions and such. ^w^


The only thing to note about rent dis month is that I tried to set aside just below 20% in most cases since I was reaching $100 in this fund. Maybe I’ll set aside 15% or so next month so that I can throw a few extra monies for either monsters or catg0rl medicine. As long as I can negotiate rent well enough in the future, I shouldn’t really run into any issues with rent mons.


This month I lowered the amount I sent towards monsters to try to maximize as much monies ass possible for transitioning funds. Sending about 15 mons a week isn’t too bad, so hopefully if I get moar hours I can use another 5 or 10 monies or so for a moar effective plan of attack.

In total, this month I was able to effectively bring down the monster’s HP to 9902.99 which is about 77 HP less than last month. I’m not going to be too concerned with paying this off in full for the time being, however, since it is less important than getting my hormones and surgeries. 77 is a nice enough dent.

Overall, this was a pretty uneventful month in terms of fighting monsters, aside from that first week. The moar of those I can get, the moar comfortably I can start tackling multiple goals at the same time and make quicker progress toward maeking everything moar better. Down with teh Dargon of Chaos! 🐲🐲🐉🐉

Spending Mons

With that first week I was able to mostly finish my buffer of $50 in case I need to buy something I didn’t plan for. I also nao have enough monies for moar shampoos. Owo

Regarding spending monies, either in April or May I may receive my tax refund, so I am debating how to divide that up. My current line of thinking is that I will try to pay 100% of the interest the monsters are accruing so that I can completely negate any interest in the future. Secondly would be setting a majority of the remaining refund toward the transitioning fund. And lastly I may use a tiny portion of the refund to buy a nommy burger or something, and maybe a bit extra for moar school supplies or hygiene stuffs.

Closing Th0ts

I know that my first two paychecks for April will be half of my usual income due to some scheduling. If I think ahead regarding the best use of that limited monies, I think I’ll just send about 10 monies to kill monsters, just to keep it at bay. Then I’ll send like 1 or 2 monies to save up for Master Chief collections. >:3333333 And the rest will go toward the Catgirl Grand Campaign. I’ll have a better sense of how to use that monies once I’m looking at the actual numbers.

I think I also did the proper adjustment to my withholdings for dis year, so maybe I can use my mons immediately. We’ll have to see next year based on that refund (if any). xp

Thanks for reading~💝💝💖💖

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